

為(wèi)弘揚“奉獻、友愛、互助、正向”的志(zhì)願精(jīng)神, 展現對公益事業的關注、勇于承擔社會責任、為(wèi)社會無私奉獻的精(jīng)神風貌,以及進一步踐行我司“美好”的企業文(wén)化。

For promoting the voluntary spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and positive”, to demonstrate the spirit of attention to public welfare, the courage to assume social responsibility, and the spirit of selfless dedication to the society, and to further practice our company's “MEIHAO” corporate culture.

11月13日, 澳美鋁業志(zhì)願者團隊來到樂平華㘵村慰問長(cháng)者,為(wèi)老人們送去大米、食用(yòng)油、藥品等物(wù)資。

On 13rd November, a volunteer team from Press Metal International Ltd. came to Leping Huabu Village to visit the elderly, and delivered rice, cooking oil, medicine and other necessities to them.

張伯 現年62歲,華㘵村居民(mín),五保戶,無兒無女 屬孤寡老人,肢體(tǐ)二級殘疾,無固定收入來源。志(zhì)願者為(wèi)張伯送去大米、食用(yòng)油、藥品,并講解藥品使用(yòng)說明,後又進行悉心交談,聆聽他(tā)們的心聲。張伯說:“今天有這麽多(duō)人看望我,我非常高興,謝(xiè)謝(xiè)你們!”

Mr. Zhang, 62 years old, is a resident of Huabu Village, a five-guarantee household, no children, with second-degree physical disability, and no fixed income. Volunteers provided rice and medicine to Uncle Zhang, and patiently explained the medicine instructions and talked with him kindly and carefully. Uncle Zhang said: "I am very happy that so many people visit me today, thank you!"


The volunteer behavior of “Caring for the Elderly” by PMI brought concern and love to the elderly, making caring behavior a normal life, and helping more elderly people to enjoy the rest of their life.